Bergamia - Harmony Body and Massage Oil

from $15.00

A time honored rite body and massage oils have has been used to boost the immune system, and lower stress levels through nervous system support for centuries.

We love multi purpose care, these are wonderful added into bath water or applied to nurture the skin and spirit as your moisturizer. Enjoy!

Bergamia - Harmony

Neroli & Bergamot

Just as the name suggests this blend is targeted to find balance. Adaptogenic Bergamot and anti-inflammatory Neroli dial the physical and emotional stress way down.

Scent: Light sweet-floral fragrance with an element of citrus.

Contains: Organic jojoba, organic coconut oil, therapeutic-grade A 100% pure essential oils of Citrus Bergamia (Bergamot bergaptene-Free), Citrus Aurantium (Neroli).

External use only, possible skin irritant. As with nature everyone’s biochemistry is unique, a patch test is recommended.

30 ml $15

Try all three in a gold leafed reusable canvas pouch $40

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